
Module galaxy-chop., softening_s: float = 0.0, softening_dm: float = 0.0, softening_g: float = 0.0)[source]

h5py file reader.

Reads the file containing masses, positions, velocities of stellar, dark matter and gas particles, and constructs a galaxy object. The file may include particle potentials. The softening value can be included.

  • path_or_stream (str or file-like) – Path to the h5 file containing the properties of the galaxy particles.

  • softening_s (float, default value = 0) – Softening radius of star particles.

  • softening_dm (float, default value = 0) – Softening radius of dark matter particles.

  • softening_g (float, default value = 0) – Softening radius of gas particles.



Return type

Galaxy class object., galaxy, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

HDF5 file writer.

It is responsible for storing a galaxy in HDF5 format. The procedure only stores the attributes m, x, y, z, vx, vy and vz, since all the other attributes can be derived from these, and the softenings can be arbitrarily changed at the galaxy creation/reading process

  • path_or_stream (str or file-like) – Path or file like objet to the h5 to store the galaxy.

  • galaxy ( – The galaxy to store.

  • metadata (dict or None (default None)) – Extra metadata to store in the h5 file.

  • kwargs – Extra arguments to the function, path_or_stream_dark, path_or_stream_gas, columns, path_or_stream_pot_s=None, path_or_stream_pot_dm=None, path_or_stream_pot_g=None, softening_s: float = 0.0, softening_dm: float = 0.0, softening_g: float = 0.0)[source]

Npy file reader.

Reads npy files containing the masses, positions and velocities of stellar particles, dark matter and gas particles, and constructs a galaxy object. Files containing particle potentials can be included. The softening value can be included.

  • path_or_stream_star (str or file like) – Path to the npy file containing the properties of the star particles.

  • path_or_stream_dark (str or file like) – Path to the npy file containing the properties of the dark matter particles.

  • path_or_stream_gas (str or file like) – Path to the npy file containing the properties of the gas particles.

  • columns (list) – Specify column names.

  • path_or_stream_pot_s (str or file like) – Path to the npy file containing the potentials of the star particles.

  • path_or_stream_pot_dm (str or file like) – Path to the npy file containing the potentials of the dark matter particles.

  • path_or_stream_pot_g (str or file like) – Path to the npy file containing the potentials of the gas particles.

  • softening_s (float, default value = 0) – Softening radius of star particles.

  • softening_dm (float, default value = 0) – Softening radius of dark matter particles.

  • softening_g (float, default value = 0) – Softening radius of gas particles.



Return type

Galaxy class object.