Source code for

# This file is part of
# the galaxy-chop project (
# Copyright (c) 2021, Valeria Cristiani
# License: MIT
# Full Text:

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"""Module galaxy-chop."""

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import datetime as dt
import platform
import sys

from import write_table_hdf5
from astropy.table import Table

import h5py

import numpy as np

from . import __version__ as VERSION
from . import data

# =============================================================================
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    "GalaxyChop": VERSION,
    "author_email": "",
    "affiliation": "IATE-OAC-CONICET",
    "url": "",
    "platform": platform.platform(),
    "system_encoding": sys.getfilesystemencoding(),
    "Python": sys.version,

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def _table_to_dict(table, key_suffix):
    kws = {f"{k}_{key_suffix}": v for k, v in table.items() if k != "id"}
    kws[f"potential_{key_suffix}"] = kws.pop(f"potential_{key_suffix}", None)
    return kws

def _df_to_table(df, ptype):
    table_df = df[df.ptype == ptype.humanize()]
    del table_df["ptype"]
    return Table.from_pandas(table_df)

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# HDF 5
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[docs]def read_hdf5( path_or_stream, softening_s: float = 0.0, softening_dm: float = 0.0, softening_g: float = 0.0, ): """ h5py file reader. Reads the file containing masses, positions, velocities of stellar, dark matter and gas particles, and constructs a galaxy object. The file may include particle potentials. The softening value can be included. Parameters ---------- path_or_stream : str or file-like Path to the h5 file containing the properties of the galaxy particles. softening_s : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of star particles. softening_dm : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of dark matter particles. softening_g : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of gas particles. Returns ------- galaxy : ``Galaxy class`` object. """ with h5py.File(path_or_stream, "r") as f: star_table =["stars"]) dark_table =["dark_matter"]) gas_table =["gas"]) galaxy_kws = { "softening_s": softening_s, "softening_dm": softening_dm, "softening_g": softening_g, } star_kws = _table_to_dict(star_table, "s") galaxy_kws.update(star_kws) dark_kws = _table_to_dict(dark_table, "dm") galaxy_kws.update(dark_kws) gas_kws = _table_to_dict(gas_table, "g") galaxy_kws.update(gas_kws) galaxy = data.mkgalaxy(**galaxy_kws) return galaxy
[docs]def to_hdf5(path_or_stream, galaxy, metadata=None, **kwargs): """HDF5 file writer. It is responsible for storing a galaxy in HDF5 format. The procedure only stores the attributes ``m``, ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, ``vx``, ``vy`` and ``vz``, since all the other attributes can be derived from these, and the ``softenings`` can be arbitrarily changed at the galaxy creation/reading process Parameters ---------- path_or_stream : str or file-like Path or file like objet to the h5 to store the galaxy. galaxy : The galaxy to store. metadata : dict or None (default None) Extra metadata to store in the h5 file. kwargs : Extra arguments to the function ```` """ attributes = ["ptype", "m", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz"] if galaxy.has_potential_: attributes.append("potential") df = galaxy.to_dataframe(attributes=attributes) # create the id column for all the df.insert(0, "id", df.index.to_numpy()) stars_table = _df_to_table(df, data.ParticleSetType.STARS) dm_table = _df_to_table(df, data.ParticleSetType.DARK_MATTER) gas_table = _df_to_table(df, data.ParticleSetType.GAS) # prepare metadata h5_metadata = _DEFAULT_METADATA.copy() h5_metadata["utc_timestamp"] = dt.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() h5_metadata.update(metadata or {}) # prepare kwargs kwargs.setdefault("append", True) kwargs.setdefault("overwrite", True) kwargs.setdefault("compression", "gzip") kwargs.setdefault("compression_opts", 9) with h5py.File(path_or_stream, "a") as h5: write_table_hdf5(stars_table, h5, path="stars", **kwargs) write_table_hdf5(dm_table, h5, path="dark_matter", **kwargs) write_table_hdf5(gas_table, h5, path="gas", **kwargs) h5.attrs.update(h5_metadata)
# ============================================================================= # NUMPY # =============================================================================
[docs]def read_npy( path_or_stream_star, path_or_stream_dark, path_or_stream_gas, columns, path_or_stream_pot_s=None, path_or_stream_pot_dm=None, path_or_stream_pot_g=None, softening_s: float = 0.0, softening_dm: float = 0.0, softening_g: float = 0.0, ): """ Npy file reader. Reads npy files containing the masses, positions and velocities of stellar particles, dark matter and gas particles, and constructs a galaxy object. Files containing particle potentials can be included. The softening value can be included. Parameters ---------- path_or_stream_star : str or file like Path to the npy file containing the properties of the star particles. path_or_stream_dark : str or file like Path to the npy file containing the properties of the dark matter particles. path_or_stream_gas : str or file like Path to the npy file containing the properties of the gas particles. columns: list Specify column names. path_or_stream_pot_s : str or file like Path to the npy file containing the potentials of the star particles. path_or_stream_pot_dm : str or file like Path to the npy file containing the potentials of the dark matter particles. path_or_stream_pot_g : str or file like Path to the npy file containing the potentials of the gas particles. softening_s : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of star particles. softening_dm : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of dark matter particles. softening_g : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of gas particles. Returns ------- galaxy : ``Galaxy class`` object. """ particles_star = np.load(path_or_stream_star) particles_dark = np.load(path_or_stream_dark) particles_gas = np.load(path_or_stream_gas) star_table = Table(particles_star, names=columns) dark_table = Table(particles_dark, names=columns) gas_table = Table(particles_gas, names=columns) if path_or_stream_pot_s is not None: pot_s = np.load(path_or_stream_pot_s) star_table.add_column(pot_s, name="potential") if path_or_stream_pot_dm is not None: pot_dm = np.load(path_or_stream_pot_dm) dark_table.add_column(pot_dm, name="potential") if path_or_stream_pot_g is not None: pot_g = np.load(path_or_stream_pot_g) gas_table.add_column(pot_g, name="potential") galaxy_kws = { "softening_s": softening_s, "softening_dm": softening_dm, "softening_g": softening_g, } star_kws = _table_to_dict(star_table, "s") galaxy_kws.update(star_kws) dark_kws = _table_to_dict(dark_table, "dm") galaxy_kws.update(dark_kws) gas_kws = _table_to_dict(gas_table, "g") galaxy_kws.update(gas_kws) galaxy = data.mkgalaxy(**galaxy_kws) return galaxy