Source code for galaxychop.models._histogram

# This file is part of
# the galaxy-chop project (
# Copyright (c) 2021, Valeria Cristiani
# License: MIT
# Full Text:

"""Monodimensional Models."""

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import numpy as np

from ._base import DynamicStarsDecomposerMixin, GalaxyDecomposerABC, hparam
from ..utils import doc_inherit

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[docs]class JHistogram(DynamicStarsDecomposerMixin, GalaxyDecomposerABC): """JHistogram class. Implementation of galaxy dynamical decomposition model described in Abadi et al. (2003) [1]_. Parameters ---------- n_bin: int, default=100 Number of bins needed to build the circularity parameter histogram. digits: int, default=2 Number of decimals to which an array is rounded. seed: int, default=None Seed to initialize the random generator. Notes ----- Index of the cluster each stellar particles belongs to: Index=0: correspond to galaxy spheroid. Index=1: correspond to galaxy disk. Examples -------- Example of implementation of Abadi Model. >>> import galaxychop as gchop >>> galaxy = gchop.read_hdf5(...) >>> galaxy = gchop.star_align( >>> chopper = gchop.JHistogram() >>> chopper.decompose(galaxy) References ---------- .. [1] Abadi, M. G., Navarro, J. F., Steinmetz, M., and Eke, V. R., “Simulations of Galaxy Formation in a Λ Cold Dark Matter Universe. II. The Fine Structure of Simulated Galactic Disks”, The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 597, no. 1, pp. 21–34, 2003. doi:10.1086/378316. `<>`_ """ n_bin = hparam(default=100) digits = hparam(default=2) random_state = hparam(default=None, converter=np.random.default_rng) def _make_histogram(self, X, n_bin): """Build the histrogram of the circularity parameter.""" eps = X full_histogram = np.histogram(eps, n_bin, range=(-1.0, 1.0)) hist = full_histogram[0] edges = np.round(full_histogram[1], self.digits) bin_width = edges[1] - edges[0] center = full_histogram[1][:-1] + bin_width / 2.0 bin0 = np.where(edges == 0.0)[0][0] return eps, edges, center, bin0, hist def _make_count_sph(self, bin0, bin_to_particle): """Build the counter-rotating part of the spheroid.""" sph = {} for i in range(bin0): sph[i] = bin_to_particle[i] return sph def _make_corot_sph(self, n_bin, bin0, bin_to_particle, sph): """Build the corotating part of the spheroid.""" sph = sph.copy() lim_aux = 0 if (n_bin >= 2 * bin0) else (2 * bin0 - self.n_bin) for count_bin in range(lim_aux, bin0): corot_bin = 2 * bin0 - 1 - count_bin if len(bin_to_particle[count_bin]) >= len( bin_to_particle[corot_bin] ): sph[corot_bin] = bin_to_particle[corot_bin] else: sph[corot_bin] = self.random_state.choice( bin_to_particle[corot_bin], len(bin_to_particle[count_bin]), replace=False, ) return sph def _make_disk(self, bin_to_particle, bin0, n_bin, sph): """Build the disk.""" dsk = bin_to_particle.copy() for i in range(bin0): dsk[i] = [] # Bins with only spheroid particles are left empty. lim = bin0 if (n_bin >= 2 * bin0) else (n_bin - bin0) for key in range(lim, len(sph)): arr, flt = bin_to_particle[key], sph[key] dsk[key] = np.unique(arr[~np.in1d(arr, flt)]) return dsk
[docs] @doc_inherit(GalaxyDecomposerABC.get_attributes) def get_attributes(self): """ Notes ----- In this model the parameter space is given by eps: circularity parameter (J_z/J_circ). """ return ["eps"]
[docs] @doc_inherit(GalaxyDecomposerABC.split) def split(self, X, y, attributes): """ Notes ----- The attributes used by the Abadi model are described in detail in the class documentation. """ n_bin = self.n_bin # Building the histogram of the circularity parameter. eps, edges, center, bin0, hist = self._make_histogram(X, n_bin) X_ind = np.arange(len(eps)) # Building a dictionary: bin_to_particle={} where the IDs of the # particles that satisfy the restrictions given by the mask will be # stored. So we can then have control over which particles are # selected. bin_to_particle = {} for i in range(n_bin - 1): mask = np.where((eps >= edges[i]) & (eps < edges[i + 1]))[0] bin_to_particle[i] = X_ind[mask] # This considers the right edge of the last bin. mask = np.where((eps >= edges[n_bin - 1]) & (eps <= edges[n_bin]))[0] bin_to_particle[len(center) - 1] = X_ind[mask] # Selection of the particles that belong to the spheroid according to # the circularity parameter. sph = self._make_count_sph(bin0, bin_to_particle) sph = self._make_corot_sph(n_bin, bin0, bin_to_particle, sph) # The rest of the particles are assigned to the disk. dsk = self._make_disk(bin_to_particle, bin0, n_bin, sph) # The indexes of the particles belonging to the spheroid and the disk # are saved. esf = [] for i in range(len(sph)): esf = np.concatenate((esf, sph[i])) esf_idx = esf.astype(int) disk = [] for i in range(len(dsk)): disk = np.concatenate((disk, dsk[i])) disk_idx = disk.astype(int) labels = np.empty(len(X), dtype=int) labels[esf_idx] = 0 labels[disk_idx] = 1 return labels, None
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[docs]class JEHistogram(JHistogram): """JEHistogram class. Implementation of a modification of Abadi galaxy dynamical decomposition model using the circularity parameter and specific energy distribution. Parameters ---------- n_bin_E: int, default=20 Number of bins needed to build the normalised specific energy histogram. **kwargs: key, value mappings Other optional keyword arguments are passed through to :py:class:`JHistogram` classes. Notes ----- Index of the cluster each stellar particles belongs to: Index=0: correspond to galaxy spheroid. Index=1: correspond to galaxy disk. Examples -------- Example of the implementation of the modified Abadi model. >>> import galaxychop as gchop >>> galaxy = gchop.read_hdf5(...) >>> galaxy = gchop.star_align( >>> chopper = gchop.JEHistogram() >>> chopper.decompose(galaxy) """ n_bin_E = hparam(default=20) def _make_corot_sph( self, n_bin, bin0, bin_to_particle, sph, normalized_energy, n_bin_E, X_ind, ): """Build the corotating part of the spheroid.""" # We build the corotating sph lim_aux = 0 if (n_bin >= 2 * bin0) else (2 * bin0 - n_bin) for count_bin in range(lim_aux, bin0): corot_bin = 2 * bin0 - 1 - count_bin # If the length of the bin contrarrot >= length of the bin corrot, # then we assign all particles in the bin corrot to the sph. if len(bin_to_particle[count_bin]) >= len( bin_to_particle[corot_bin] ): sph[corot_bin] = bin_to_particle[corot_bin] # Otherwise, we look at the energy distributions of both bins to # make the selection. else: energy_hist_count, energy_edges_count = np.histogram( normalized_energy[np.int_(bin_to_particle[count_bin])], bins=n_bin_E, range=(-1.0, 0.0), ) energy_hist_corr, energy_edges_corr = np.histogram( normalized_energy[np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin])], bins=n_bin_E, range=(-1.0, 0.0), ) # For a fixed contr and corr bin, we go through the energy bins # and select particles and add them to the aux0 list. aux0 = [] for j in range(n_bin_E): if energy_hist_count[j] != 0: # If the energy bin length contr >= the energy bin # length contr, we add all particles from the corr # energy bin to the list of particles in the corr bin. if energy_hist_count[j] >= energy_hist_corr[j]: energy_mask = np.where( ( normalized_energy[ np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin]) ] >= energy_edges_corr[j] ) & ( normalized_energy[ np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin]) ] < energy_edges_corr[j + 1] ) )[0] aux1 = X_ind[np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin])][ energy_mask ] aux0 = np.concatenate((aux0, aux1), axis=None) # Otherwise we make a random selection in the energy # bin to add to the list. else: energy_mask = np.where( ( normalized_energy[ np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin]) ] >= energy_edges_corr[j] ) & ( normalized_energy[ np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin]) ] < energy_edges_corr[j + 1] ) )[0] aux1 = self.random_state.choice( X_ind[np.int_(bin_to_particle[corot_bin])][ energy_mask ], energy_hist_count[j], replace=False, ) aux0 = np.concatenate((aux0, aux1), axis=None) # If there are no particles in the contr energy bin, we do # not add anything to the list. else: aux1 = [] aux0 = np.concatenate((aux0, aux1), axis=None) # We assign all the particles in the list, selected by energy, # to the bin corr of the sph. sph[corot_bin] = aux0
[docs] @doc_inherit(GalaxyDecomposerABC.get_attributes) def get_attributes(self): """ Notes ----- In this model the parameter space is given by normalized_star_energy: normalized specific energy of the stars eps: circularity parameter (J_z/J_circ). """ return ["normalized_star_energy", "eps"]
[docs] @doc_inherit(GalaxyDecomposerABC.split) def split(self, X, y, attributes): """ Notes ----- The attributes used by the modified Abadi model are described in detail in the class documentation. """ n_bin = self.n_bin n_bin_E = self.n_bin_E normalized_energy = X[:, 0] # Building the histogram of the circularity parameter. eps, edges, center, bin0, hist = self._make_histogram(X[:, 1], n_bin) X_ind = np.arange(len(eps)) # Building a dictionary: bin_to_particle={} where the IDs of the # particles that satisfy the restrictions given by the mask will be # stored. So we can then have control over which particles are # selected. bin_to_particle = {} for i in range(n_bin - 1): mask = np.where((eps >= edges[i]) & (eps < edges[i + 1]))[0] bin_to_particle[i] = X_ind[mask] # This considers the right edge of the last bin. mask = np.where((eps >= edges[n_bin - 1]) & (eps <= edges[n_bin]))[0] bin_to_particle[len(center) - 1] = X_ind[mask] # Selection of the particles that belong to the spheroid according to # the circularity parameter and normalized energy. # The counter-rotating spheroid is constructed. sph = self._make_count_sph(bin0, bin_to_particle) # Ther corotating spheroid is constructed self._make_corot_sph( n_bin, bin0, bin_to_particle, sph, normalized_energy, n_bin_E, X_ind, ) # The rest of the particles are assigned to the disk. dsk = self._make_disk(bin_to_particle, bin0, n_bin, sph) # The indexes of the particles belonging to the spheroid and the disk # are saved. esf = [] for i in range(len(sph)): esf = np.concatenate((esf, sph[i])) esf_idx = esf.astype(int) disk = [] for i in range(len(dsk)): disk = np.concatenate((disk, dsk[i])) disk_idx = disk.astype(int) # Component labels are assigned labels = np.empty(len(X), dtype=int) labels[esf_idx] = 0 labels[disk_idx] = 1 return labels, None