Source code for

# This file is part of
# the galaxy-chop project (
# Copyright (c) 2021, Valeria Cristiani
# License: MIT
# Full Text:

"""Module galaxy-chop."""

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import enum
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

from astropy import units as u

import attr

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import uttr

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[docs]class ParticleSetType(enum.IntEnum): """ Name of the particle type. Name and number that are used to describe the particle type in the ``ParticleSet class``. """ STARS = 0 DARK_MATTER = 1 GAS = 2
[docs] @classmethod def mktype(cls, v): """Create a ParticleSetType from name, or value.""" if isinstance(v, ParticleSetType): return v if isinstance(v, str): v = v.upper() for p in ParticleSetType: if v in (, p.value): return p raise ValueError(f"Can't coherce {v} into ParticleSetType ")
[docs] def humanize(self): """Particle type name in lower case.""" return
[docs]@uttr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, repr=False) class ParticleSet: """ ParticleSet class. Creates a set particles of a particular type (stars, dark matter or gas) using masses, positions, velocities and potential energy. Parameters ---------- ptype : ParticleSetType Indicates if this set corresponds to stars, dark matter or gas. m : Quantity Particle masses. Shape: (n,1). Default unit: M_sun x, y, z : Quantity Positions. Shapes: (n,1). Default unit: kpc. vx, vy, vz : Quantity Velocities. Shapes: (n,1). Default unit: km/s. potential : Quantity, default value = 0 Specific potential energy of particles. Shape: (n,1). Default unit: (km/s)**2. softening : Quantity, default value = 0 Softening radius of particles. Shape: (1,). Default unit: kpc. kinetic_energy : Quantity Specific kinetic energy of particles. Shape: (n,1). Default unit: (km/s)**2. total_energy : Quantity Specific total energy of particles. Shape: (n,1). Default unit: (km/s)**2. Jx_, Jy_, Jz_ : Quantity Components of angular momentum of particles. Shapes: (n,1). Default units: kpc*km/s. has_potential_ : bool. Indicates if the specific potential energy is computed. arr_ : Instances of ``ArrayAccessor`` Access to the attributes (defined with uttrs) of the provided instance, and if they are of atropy.units.Quantity type it converts them into numpy.ndarray. """ ptype = uttr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ParticleSetType)) m: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=u.Msun) x: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=u.kpc) y: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=u.kpc) z: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=u.kpc) vx: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=( / u.s)) vy: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=( / u.s)) vz: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=( / u.s)) potential: np.ndarray = uttr.ib( unit=( / u.s) ** 2, validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(np.ndarray) ), repr=False, ) softening: float = uttr.ib(converter=float, repr=False) has_potential_: bool = uttr.ib(init=False) kinetic_energy_: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=( / u.s) ** 2, init=False) total_energy_: np.ndarray = uttr.ib(unit=( / u.s) ** 2, init=False) # angular momentum Jx_ = uttr.ib(unit=(u.kpc * / u.s), init=False) Jy_ = uttr.ib(unit=(u.kpc * / u.s), init=False) Jz_ = uttr.ib(unit=(u.kpc * / u.s), init=False) # UTTRS Orchestration ===================================================== @has_potential_.default def _has_potential__default(self): return self.potential is not None @kinetic_energy_.default def _kinetic_energy__default(self): arr = self.arr_ ke = 0.5 * (arr.vx ** 2 + arr.vy ** 2 + arr.vz ** 2) return ke @total_energy_.default def _total_energy__default(self): if not self.has_potential_: return arr = self.arr_ kenergy = arr.kinetic_energy_ penergy = arr.potential return kenergy + penergy # angular momentum @Jx_.default def _Jx__default(self): arr = self.arr_ return arr.y * arr.vz - arr.z * arr.vy # x @Jy_.default def _Jy__default(self): arr = self.arr_ return arr.z * arr.vx - arr.x * arr.vz # y @Jz_.default def _Jz__default(self): arr = self.arr_ return arr.x * arr.vy - arr.y * arr.vx # z def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ Particle sets length validator. This method determines that the lengths of the different attributes of particles that are of the same family are the same. """ # we create a dictionary where we are going to put the length as keys, # and the name of component with this length inside a set. lengths = defaultdict(set) lengths[len(self.m)].add("m") lengths[len(self.x)].add("x") lengths[len(self.y)].add("y") lengths[len(self.z)].add("z") lengths[len(self.vx)].add("vx") lengths[len(self.vy)].add("vy") lengths[len(self.vz)].add("vz") if self.has_potential_: lengths[len(self.potential)].add("potential") # now if we have more than one key it is because there are # different lengths. if len(lengths) > 1: raise ValueError( f"{self.ptype} inputs must have the same length. " f"Lengths: {lengths}" ) # PROPERTIES ============================================================== @property def angular_momentum_(self): """Components of specific angular momentum in units of kpc*km/s.""" arr = self.arr_ return np.array([arr.Jx_, arr.Jy_, arr.Jz_]) * (u.kpc * / u.s) # REDEFINITIONS =========================================================== def __repr__(self): """repr(x) <=> x.__repr__().""" return ( f"ParticleSet({}, size={len(self)}, " f"softening={self.softening}, potentials={self.has_potential_})" ) def __len__(self): """len(x) <=> x.__len__().""" return len(self.m) # UTILITIES ===============================================================
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, attributes=None): """ Convert to pandas data frame. This method constructs a data frame with the particles and parameters of ``ParticleSet class``. Parameters ---------- attributes: tuple, default value = None Dictionary keys of ParticleSet parameters used to create the data frame. If it's None, the data frame is constructed from all the parameters of the ``ParticleSet class``. Return ------ DataFrame : pandas data frame Data frame of the particles with the selected parameters. """ arr = self.arr_ columns_makers = { "ptype": lambda: np.full(len(self), self.ptype.humanize()), "ptypev": lambda: np.full(len(self), self.ptype.value), "m": lambda: arr.m, "x": lambda: arr.x, "y": lambda: arr.y, "z": lambda: arr.z, "vx": lambda: arr.vx, "vy": lambda: arr.vy, "vz": lambda: arr.vz, "softening": lambda: self.softening, "potential": lambda: ( arr.potential if self.has_potential_ else np.nan ), "kinetic_energy": lambda: arr.kinetic_energy_, "total_energy": lambda: ( arr.total_energy_ if self.has_potential_ else np.nan ), "Jx": lambda: arr.Jx_, "Jy": lambda: arr.Jy_, "Jz": lambda: arr.Jz_, } attributes = ( columns_makers.keys() if attributes is None else attributes ) data = OrderedDict() for aname in attributes: mkcolumn = columns_makers[aname] data[aname] = mkcolumn() return pd.DataFrame(data)
# ============================================================================= # GALAXY CLASS # =============================================================================
[docs]@uttr.s(frozen=True, repr=False) class Galaxy: """ Galaxy class. Builds a galaxy object from a ``ParticleSet`` for each type of particle (stars, dark matter and gas). Parameters ---------- stars : ``ParticleSet`` Instance of ``ParticleSet`` with stars particles. dark_matter : ``ParticleSet`` Instance of ``ParticleSet`` with dark matter particles. gas : ``ParticleSet`` Instance of ParticleSet with gas particles. Attributes ---------- has_potential_: bool Indicates if this Galaxy instance has the potential energy computed. """ stars = uttr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ParticleSet)) dark_matter = uttr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ParticleSet)) gas = uttr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ParticleSet)) has_potential_ = attr.ib(init=False) @has_potential_.default def _has_potential__default(self): # this is a set only can have 3 possible values: # 1. {True} all the components has potential # 2. {False} No component has potential # 3. {True, False} mixed <- This is an error has_pot = { "stars": self.stars.has_potential_, "gas": self.gas.has_potential_, "dark_matter": self.dark_matter.has_potential_, } if set(has_pot.values()) == {True, False}: raise ValueError( "Potential energy must be instanced for all particles types. " f"Found: {has_pot}" ) return self.stars.has_potential_ def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Validate that the type of each particleset is correct.""" pset_types = [ ("stars", self.stars, ParticleSetType.STARS), ("dark_matter", self.dark_matter, ParticleSetType.DARK_MATTER), ("gas", self.gas, ParticleSetType.GAS), ] for psname, pset, pstype in pset_types: if pset.ptype != pstype: raise TypeError(f"{psname} must be of type {pstype}") def __len__(self): """len(x) <=> x.__len__().""" return len(self.stars) + len(self.dark_matter) + len(self.gas) def __repr__(self): """repr(x) <=> x.__repr__().""" stars_repr = f"stars={len(self.stars)}" dm_repr = f"dark_matter={len(self.dark_matter)}" gas_repr = f"gas={len(self.gas)}" has_pot = f"potential={self.has_potential_}" return f"Galaxy({stars_repr}, {dm_repr}, {gas_repr}, {has_pot})" # UTILITIES ===============================================================
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, *, ptypes=None, attributes=None): """ Convert to pandas data frame. This method builds a data frame from the particles of the Galaxy. Parameters ---------- ptypes: tuple, default value = None Strings indicating the ParticleSetType to include. If it's None, all particle types are included. attributes: tuple, default value = None Dictionary keys of ParticleSet parameters used to create the data frame. If it's None, the data frame is constructed from all the parameters of the ``ParticleSet class``. Return ------ DataFrame : pandas data frame Data frame of Galaxy with selected particles and parameters. """ psets = [self.stars, self.dark_matter, self.gas] parts = [] for pset in psets: if ptypes is None or pset.ptype.humanize() in ptypes: df = pset.to_dataframe(attributes=attributes) parts.append(df) return pd.concat(parts, ignore_index=True)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, path_or_stream, metadata=None, **kwargs): """Shortcut to ````. It is responsible for storing a galaxy in HDF5 format. The procedure only stores the attributes ``m``, ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, ``vx``, ``vy`` and ``vz``, since all the other attributes can be derived from these, and the ``softenings`` can be arbitrarily changed at the galaxy creation/reading process Parameters ---------- path_or_stream : str or file like. Path or file like objet to the h5 to store the galaxy. metadata : dict or None (default None) Extra metadata to store in the h5 file. kwargs : Extra arguments to the function ```` """ from . import io return io.to_hdf5( path_or_stream=path_or_stream, galaxy=self, metadata=metadata, **kwargs, )
@property def plot(self): """Plot accessor.""" from . import plot # noqa return plot.GalaxyPlotter(self) # ENERGY =============================================================== @property def kinetic_energy_(self): """Specific kinetic energy of stars, dark matter and gas particles. Returns ------- tuple : Quantity (k_s, k_dm, k_g): Specific kinetic energy of stars, dark matter and gas respectively. Shape(n_s, n_dm, n_g). Unit: (km/s)**2 Examples -------- This returns the specific kinetic energy of stars, dark matter and gas particles respectively. >>> import galaxychop as gchop >>> galaxy = gchop.Galaxy(...) >>> k_s, k_dm, k_g = galaxy.kinetic_energy_ """ return ( self.stars.kinetic_energy_, self.dark_matter.kinetic_energy_, self.gas.kinetic_energy_, ) @property def potential_energy_(self): """Specific potential energy of stars, dark matter and gas particles. This property doesn't compute the potential energy, only returns its value if it is already computed, i.e. ``has_potential_`` is True. To compute the potential use the ``galaxychop.potential`` function. Returns ------- tuple : Quantity (p_s, p_dm, p_g): Specific potential energy of stars, dark matter and gas respectively. Shape(n_s, n_dm, n_g). Unit: (km/s)**2 Examples -------- This returns the specific potential energy of stars, dark matter and gas particles respectively. >>> import galaxychop as gchop >>> galaxy = gchop.Galaxy(...) >>> galaxy_with_potential = gchop.potential(galaxy) >>> p_s, p_dm, p_g = galaxy_with_potential.potential_energy_ """ if self.has_potential_: return ( self.stars.potential, self.dark_matter.potential, self.gas.potential, ) @property def total_energy_(self): """ Specific total energy calculation. Calculates the specific total energy of dark matter, star and gas particles. Returns ------- tuple : Quantity (Etot_s, Etot_dm, Etot_g): Specific total energy of stars, dark matter and gas respectively. Shape(n_s, n_dm, n_g). Unit: (km/s)**2 Examples -------- This returns the specific total energy of stars, dark matter and gas particles respectively. >>> import galaxychop as gchop >>> galaxy = gchop.Galaxy(...) >>> E_s, E_dm, E_g = galaxy.total_energy_ """ if self.has_potential_: return ( self.stars.total_energy_, self.dark_matter.total_energy_, self.gas.total_energy_, ) @property def angular_momentum_(self): """ Specific angular momentum calculation. Compute the specific angular momentum of stars, dark matter and gas particles. Returns ------- tuple : `Quantity` (J_s, J_dm, J_g): Specific angular momentum of stars, dark matter and gas respectively. Shape(n_s, n_dm, n_g). Unit: (kpc * km / s) Examples -------- This returns the specific angular momentum of stars, dark matter and gas particles respectively. >>> import galaxychop as gchop >>> galaxy = gchop.Galaxy(...) >>> J_s, J_dm, J_g = galaxy.angular_momentum_ """ return ( self.stars.angular_momentum_, self.dark_matter.angular_momentum_, self.gas.angular_momentum_, )
# ============================================================================= # API FUNCTIONS # =============================================================================
[docs]def galaxy_as_kwargs(galaxy): """Galaxy init attributes as dictionary. Parameters ---------- galaxy: Galaxy Instance of Galaxy. Returns ------- kwargs: dict Dictionary with ``galaxy`` attributes. """ def _filter_internals(attribute, value): return attribute.init def _pset_as_kwargs(pset, suffix): return {f"{k}_{suffix}": v for k, v in pset.items() if k != "ptype"} gkwargs = attr.asdict(galaxy, recurse=True, filter=_filter_internals) stars_kws = _pset_as_kwargs(gkwargs.pop("stars"), "s") dark_matter_kws = _pset_as_kwargs(gkwargs.pop("dark_matter"), "dm") gas_kws = _pset_as_kwargs(gkwargs.pop("gas"), "g") gkwargs.update(**stars_kws, **dark_matter_kws, **gas_kws) return gkwargs
[docs]def mkgalaxy( m_s: np.ndarray, x_s: np.ndarray, y_s: np.ndarray, z_s: np.ndarray, vx_s: np.ndarray, vy_s: np.ndarray, vz_s: np.ndarray, m_dm: np.ndarray, x_dm: np.ndarray, y_dm: np.ndarray, z_dm: np.ndarray, vx_dm: np.ndarray, vy_dm: np.ndarray, vz_dm: np.ndarray, m_g: np.ndarray, x_g: np.ndarray, y_g: np.ndarray, z_g: np.ndarray, vx_g: np.ndarray, vy_g: np.ndarray, vz_g: np.ndarray, softening_s: float = 0.0, softening_dm: float = 0.0, softening_g: float = 0.0, potential_s: np.ndarray = None, potential_dm: np.ndarray = None, potential_g: np.ndarray = None, ): """ Galaxy builder. This function builds a galaxy object from a star, dark matter and gas ParticleSet. Parameters ---------- m_s : np.ndarray Star masses. Shape: (n,1). x_s, y_s, z_s : np.ndarray Star positions. Shapes: (n,1). vx_s, vy_s, vz_s : np.ndarray Star velocities. Shape: (n,1). m_dm : np.ndarray Dark matter masses. Shape: (n,1). x_dm, y_dm, z_dm : np.ndarray Dark matter positions. Shapes: (n,1). vx_dm, vy_dm, vz_dm : np.ndarray Dark matter velocities. Shapes: (n,1). m_g : np.ndarray Gas masses. Shape: (n,1). x_g, y_g, z_g : np.ndarray Gas positions. Shapes: (n,1). vx_g, vy_g, vz_g : np.ndarray Gas velocities. Shapes: (n,1). potential_s : np.ndarray, default value = None Specific potential energy of star particles. Shape: (n,1). potential_dm : np.ndarray, default value = None Specific potential energy of dark matter particles. Shape: (n,1). potential_g : np.ndarray, default value = None Specific potential energy of gas particles. Shape: (n,1). softening_s : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of stellar particles. Shape: (1,). softening_dm : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of dark matter particles. Shape: (1,). softening_g : float, default value = 0 Softening radius of gas particles. Shape: (1,). Return ------ galaxy: ``Galaxy class`` object. """ stars = ParticleSet( ParticleSetType.STARS, m=m_s, x=x_s, y=y_s, z=z_s, vx=vx_s, vy=vy_s, vz=vz_s, softening=softening_s, potential=potential_s, ) dark_matter = ParticleSet( ParticleSetType.DARK_MATTER, m=m_dm, x=x_dm, y=y_dm, z=z_dm, vx=vx_dm, vy=vy_dm, vz=vz_dm, softening=softening_dm, potential=potential_dm, ) gas = ParticleSet( ParticleSetType.GAS, m=m_g, x=x_g, y=y_g, z=z_g, vx=vx_g, vy=vy_g, vz=vz_g, softening=softening_g, potential=potential_g, ) galaxy = Galaxy(stars=stars, dark_matter=dark_matter, gas=gas) return galaxy